Loan Facilitator

Loan Facilitator

A loan facilitator is a highly skilled and knowledgeable professional who works with businesses to help them obtain the loan or funding they require.

Home Loan

A home loan is a legal agreement between an individual and a financial institution to borrow money to buy a property. The borrower agrees to pay back the money over a period of years, usually through EMIs. After repayment, the property’s title is returned to the borrower.

Loan Against Property (LAP)

A loan against property (LAP) is a secured loan that allows individuals and businesses to borrow against the mortgage of a property. The borrower uses their property as collateral for the loan.
The loan amount is usually a percentage of the property’s market value, typically ranging from 40% to 70%. The lender keeps the property as collateral until the entire loan is paid back.
When applying for an LAP, lenders will consider:
• The applicant’s income
• The applicant’s age
• The property’s valuation
• Any existing liabilities
• The applicant’s work experience, credit history, and work history
• Whether the applicant has submitted all required financial documents
• The market value of the property
• The applicant’s financial stability
LAPs can be useful for people who have multiple loans or credits with high interest rates. The low-interest rates on secured loans can reduce the overall cost of paying off these debts.

Business Loan

A business loan is a type of financing that businesses can use to cover costs associated with running their business. Business loans can be used for many purposes.

Loan Against Securities (LAS)

A business loan is a type of financing that businesses can use to cover costs associated with running their business. Business loans can be used for many purposes.

Personal Loan

A personal loan is money borrowed from a financial institution with a set repayment period and consistent monthly payments. Most personal loans are unsecured, which means you don’t need to put down collateral.

Project Funding

Project finance is the process of funding long-term projects, such as: Infrastructure, Industrial projects, Public services.
Project finance uses a non-recourse or limited recourse financial structure. The equity debt and debt used to finance the project are paid back with the cash flow generated by the project.
Project-based funding is the long-term financing of infrastructure and industrial projects based on the project’s projected cash flows.

Working Capital Solution

Working capital services include supply chain finance (factoring and reverse factoring), overdraft facilities, short-term bilateral loans, asset financing (leasing and renting plans), guarantees and letters of credit to smooth out import/ export financing.

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